Born 1961

Lives and works in Belen, NM

Bio Statement CV

Cada Día (2022)

wood | 19 x 4.5 x 3 inches

$1,000 | INQUIRE


Geniosos, Manitos y Monos (dirty lookers, little brothers and sisters, and monkeys), includes ten small and peculiar sculptures. These errant pieces are an ad libitum account of our funny little humanness: heart to heart, face to face, where most of us live our daily lives. Castillo completed these small and rough works during the last five years, where she cared for elderly family members and taught art to young children in her hometown of Belen, New Mexico. She worked on them almost subconsciously when she had time to escape for a moment to be creative at random pauses in the cycle of caring for and teaching others.