March 11 - April 16, 2022

Gary Goldberg

Earth & Sky: Oaxaca to Santa Fe

Opening Reception: March 11 | 5-7PM

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: The Sky Was White Punctuated With Orange, Green And Yellow, 2022| Wool felting, organic pigments | 48x120x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: And Then The Fire Came, 2022 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 48x120x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: La Montaña Rosa, El Cielo Gris, 2019 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 48x120x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: Brown Ground, Black Starry Sky, Low Horizon, 2021| Wool felting, organic pigments | 48x120x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: The Center Of The Universe, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: Blue On Light Blue With Dancing Angels, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: A Memory Of A Circle, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: Two Blue, Two Orange, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: The Green Face Of A Continent Emerged, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: Yellow Land, Green Sky, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: Blue Sea And Sky With Dancing Clouds, 2021 | Wool felting, organic pigments | 72x48x1 inches | INQUIRE


My Iconic Santa Fe Series: Paseo De Peralta, 2021 | Archival pigmented print  | 20x60 inches | INQUIRE

My Iconic Santa Fe Series: Sky, Homage to Georgia , 2021 | Archival pigmented print | 30x20 inches | INQUIRE

My Iconic Santa Fe Series: Blue Continent In Rust World, 2021 | Archival pigmented print | 30x20 inches | INQUIRE

My Iconic Santa Fe Series: Orange And Yellow Sky, 2021 | Archival pigmented Print | 30x20 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: The Crack Was Pink And Bruised, 2019 | Archival pigmented print | 30x20 inches | INQUIRE

Finding the Universe in Oaxaca: Red Band Floating In The Universe, 2018 | Archival pigmented print | 30x20 inches